First Full a day of Elecare

Luke had his first full day of Elecare. While it smells better than the Nutramigen, it still tastes horrible…..and yes I tasted it. To be honest, I don’t quite know how little man loves the taste of formula but cannot stand carrots, applesauce or bananas. 

Back to the topic on hand. We started Luke on the Elecare Thursday afternoon after his gi appointment. Friday he got nothing but the Elecare all day long. He woke up several times overnight probably because I had to get up and make a bottle, but he was pretty quick to get back to sleep. So far I have noticed some improvements, and somethings have stayed the same. 

Overall he was a much happier baby. He laid (naked) on the bathroom floor for almost an hour just chatting away while I packed. He didn’t cry or fuss once and was content just playing with the box. I also laid him on the bed and he talked to Ronny for a bit while Ronny packed the bedroom. Eventually he got a bit fussy so I propped up a bottle with the comforter and he fell asleep all on his own. He actually fell asleep a few times without us having to bounce on the yoga ball or put him in the swing. 

He slept for longer periods of time before waking up too. Normally we would have to bounce him to sleep on the yoga ball blasting white noise and then he would sleep for about 20 minutes. Yesterday he fell asleep on his own and stayed asleep for an hour or more each time. I did have to play white noise though. 

Not only was he a less fussy, happier baby that got some rest, he burped easily with very little vomit. Prior to the Elecare, when it came to burping Luke would crunch his body up and scream until we stopped. He hated burping. It caused him pain and he would projectile vomit every time he burped. Yesterday he only pitched a fit once, and that was because I made him stop eating to burp. When he did burp, it came out easily and he only puked a couple times.

Here is the bad news from day 1: he still had quite a bit of mucus in his poop. I would say at least double, if not triple what is normally in his diapers. It’s very possible that it was the Nutramigen from the day before, and could be the milk still leaving his system. I’ll have to keep an eye on that to see if it gets better. His poop has changed from light olive green to a dark army color……and thick like grout. He didn’t strain to poop though so that’s a plus. 

He is still struggling with not being able to night nurse too. I spent the night curled up und a receiving blanket at the end of the bed because Luke kept rooting around and causing my milk to come in. I had to get up and pump at 2am because my boobs hurt so bad. 

Speaking of pumping, yesterday I pumped 9 ounces of milk! I was so proud of myself. It kind of sucks that I couldn’t give him any of it, but hopefully he can have it in a few more days.

9 thoughts on “First Full a day of Elecare

  1. Just curious about the mucus in Luke’s bowel movements…have they determined the cause of that? And if not, has he been tested for an intestinal yeast infection? I know I read before that you had him on Nystatin…sometimes the mucus in poop is the dead yeast coming out, so he may still not be over that part of it.

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    • They haven’t. He’s been pooping mucus since he was born that has blood in it. They are wanting to go completely hypoallergenic first and then will do more invasive testing if this doesn’t work. The thought right now is the milk proteins in the nutramigen and/or something I was eating were the cause of his gastric distress. So far he seems a lot happier on the elecare over the nutramigen

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      • I was never ebf and still not able to produce even half of what he needs in the day. Yesterday was my biggest pump ever at 9 ounces total for the day. I don’t think I’ll ever get to ebf but that’s okay. On the 22nd I can try to reintroduce bm and see if he reacts to that. If he doesn’t we can go back to partial bm partial formula, if he does I’m done trying. I don’t want to eliminate everything from my diet when he will be perfectly fine on formula and has already received so many benefits of my milk.


  2. Well those improvements so far are a really great sign! Yay! The change in consistency and colour of the poop is probably to do with no breast milk. Here’s hoping the mucus clears up soon. Things look promising at least.


  3. My Oliver was on Elecare. He had a milk protein allergy. It was pitiful to watch. And I was so clueless. He had the mucus in the poop, the miserable crying after eating, reflux, puking issues, etc. We tried Nutramagin, but it didn’t work either. I was told when we started Elecare it could take several weeks to straighten out and get everything out of his system. After about 2 weeks, he was a different baby. No more spitting up at all, very little crying, better sleeping, just happier all around. So from about 6 weeks- 12 months, he was exclusively on the Elecare. It was VERY expensive, but well worth it to have a happier baby.

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