A Day in the Life of Someone with Hyperemesis Gravidarum

After battling with hyperemesis for nearly 15 weeks, I thought it would be interesting to post what my day is like. As much as I would like to say that o have greatly embellished, the sad reality is that this is how most of my days are.

7:00 wake up and take anti nausea medication

7:05 – run to the bathroom trying not to vomit on the floor. Spend the next 30 minutes puking. Throw up your nausea meds and have to wait 3 hours to take more

7:38 – get the swiffer wet jet and mop the bathroom floor because you didn’t make it all the way to the toilet in time

7:45 – get back in bed after grabbing a drink and a snack

8:30 – puke in the trash can next to the bed. Thanks snack!

8:45 – decide taking a shower will make you feel better

8:49 – have to sit down in the shower because you are really dizzy

9:00 – lean out of the shower and puke in the toilet.

9:03 – yell to your husband to come help you because you aren’t done puking and you’re flooding the bathroom with shower water

9:27 – crawl back into bed and cry because you feel bad for waking your husband up

10:15 – decide you’re hungry enough to eat some cereal. Take more nausea meds while you’re at it

10:36 – the cereal rebels and you spend the next 17 minutes in front of the toilet wishing you had chewed your food a bit better. There goes that pill.

10:53 – ask your husband to bring your pillow and a blanket to the bathroom. You need a nap but still feel nauseous.

12:09 – wake up on the bathroom floor. Sit up and praise the lord you were already in the bathroom. Try to take a drink of water each time you stop to catch your breath….

12:32 – shouldn’t you be eating lunch right about now? While your at it, you chug a glass of water trying to rehydrate before the next round

1:39 – What is that smell? Who knows but it sends you running.

1:48 – roll back into bed thoroughly exhausted.

2:15 – husband walks through the door and you discuss his day. When he asks about your day you start to bawl

4:47 – do a load of laundry

5:30 – husband makes dinner. You spend the entire time throwing up because the smell of food cooking is too overwhelming.

6:45 – put in a nausea suppository. You would have done it earlier but they make you extremely tired

7:08 fall asleep. You may or may not wake up during the night to pee.

7am the next day – the whole process starts again.

This was my actual day on Monday. I spent a total of 3.5 hours doing nothing but throwing up. The remainder of my day was spent trying not to throw up and sleeping. Unfortunately, I have more days like this and worse than I do feeling “better”. It’s hard to be in this position, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world because I know that my wee one is thriving.

Only 6 months to go!

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