Anatomy Scan and Gender Reveal

I’m sorry to have kept everyone in suspense! I do not recommend scheduling an anatomy scan for 2 days before you throw your child’s first birthday party. We’ve been so busy, I haven’t had time to get on and let everyone know how it went.

Luke stayed with my mom while Ronny and I went to the anatomy scan and ob appointment immediately following. It was nice to have the time to ourselves, but I missed little man and wish he could have been there when we found out the baby’s gender. At the end of the day, Luke had way more fun at Grammy’s than he did with us.

Baby L looks and sounds great! The baby is sitting low in my pelvis, and is transverse just like Luke was.In fact, the baby is so burrowed into my pelvis that the ultrasound technician had a difficult time getting all the measurements she needed. She had me roll to my side and the baby went even deeper and made it even more difficult. I swear this kid is NEVER in the right position!

The ultrasound tech and doctor were both shocked/excited because the little person is measuring 2 days ahead and was smack dab right where they would expect in a non-complicated pregnancy. We do need to get in for a fetal echo cardiogram at the end of August because of Luke’s murmur and hole. They didn’t see anything wrong with it during the scan, but want to be on the safe side.All in all though, the baby is PERFECT.

Luke’s party went off really well. We were quite behind in setting up and decorating, but my mother in law, mom, brother and his girlfriend, and brother in law and sister in law really rallied to help get everything done. I didn’t realize how hard it would be to set up a party while pregnant.

So many people came out to show Lukey some love. He had an absolute blast and loved all of the attention. I took him swimming for a tiny bit, and he was in the water quite a few times. He didn’t get more than a 5 minute nap until about 4 pm, but he didn’t whine or cry once.

He had the BEST cake smash ever. Cake and frosting where everywhere! I had to bring him home and wash him with dish soap to get the frosting out of his hair. I didn’t get much photos, but the memories are going to last a life time.

Onto the big gender reveal. We had planned to reveal at around 1 pm, but it got pushed back some because of technical difficulties. Ronny and I made arrangements for the most epic gender reveal ever……but it didn’t go anywhere near how I wanted it to. We were supposed to Skype  my sister and then have a live reveal on Facebook. I had to stand pretty far away so the phones wouldn’t get wet, and the result was you couldn’t see what was going on. (I am going to re-do the reveal so everyone can see what was supposed to happen). Here is how it went though.

So…… yeah, you can tell I wasn’t very happy with what was going on. (I very rarely cuss, if that’s any indication.

Either way, Ronny and I are so excited that its_a_boy_baby_shower_cute_blue_elephant_sticker-r7a97b5b1291143fb9edc8eef54063283_v9waf_8byvr_512

Logan Edward Allen will be joining our family sometime between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

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